For those who are interested to know what preparations we did for the entrance exam and transition from homeschooling to science high school, here are some of the things that we did:

● Practice taking tests
– find missing skills and learning gaps (through MobyMax placement or  pretest using reviewers)
– focus review more on missing skills , but still review on strong skills with the aim to finish one item in the shortest possible time
– practice solving worded problems (through KooBits online or reviewer books, or international Math olympiad practice tests and training modules)
– practice test with timer (goal is max of 1-2 minutes per question, the shorter time the better)
– practice test with answer sheets with shading circle for multiple choice type of test
– after practice test, check what areas  or topics have mistakes and review more about them then re-do the questions until the answer is correct

● Other things that may have helped in learning advance Math and Science curriculum in preparation for science high schools:
– joining trainings and competitions for international Math and Science olympiads
– subscribe in online learning platforms with international curriculum like KooBits and MobyMax
– use international curriculum or books in homeschooling for core subjects like Math, Science, and English

● Some of  the preparations for the big school from homeschooling
– transition to face-to-face learning experience via review center or enrichment classes
– get up early even if there is nothing to do, just to train the body in waking up early, but may use the time (early in the morning) for reading or practice test or simply walking or exercising.
– practice taking more notes when studying or during our topic discussion